Welcome to Ardrossan Area School

On behalf of our school community, it is my pleasure to welcome you to Ardrossan Area School.

Ardrossan Area School is a Reception to Year 12 School. Our school is an inclusive learning environment in which all students can achieve excellence, be creative and develop the skills necessary for their future. Our students are creative and critical thinkers who positively impact on their local and global communities.

Our school serves families living along the northern coastal strip of eastern Yorke Peninsula. Local employment is centred on retail, mining, agriculture and health services.

The school’s values are respect, creativity and excellence.

Most students complete all of their education at the school. We have a strong transition program with the Ardrossan & Districts Community Kindergarten. Our school community is very supportive, with an active Governing Council and a School Community Library on-site. We also have strong connections with our wider local community and organisations. The school is well resourced and a high value is placed on literacy, numeracy, entrepreneurship, innovation and environmental sustainability programs. Sport, music and outdoor learning opportunities are an integral part of our school curriculum.

Senior school programs are tailored to individual student needs, enabling them to pursue university pathways, vocational education and training options, school-based apprenticeships and employment. To enhance the learning opportunities provided by the school, we work in collaboration with other local schools, the Open Access College, Northern Territory Distance Education and Registered Training Organisations.

If you would like to know more about our school, please contact us for a meeting and school tour.

Margaret Roads


  • All
  • Leadership
  • Support Staff
  • Teachers
Margaret Roads
Amy East
Deputy Principal
Cherie Beech
Innovation and Wellbeing Leader
Kimberly Black
R-6 Leader
Dianna Honner
Business Manager
Alarna Campbell
Kallie Eglinton
Year 1-2
Ezra Glazbrook
Year 3/4
Isabel Sarre
Year 5/6
Chris Carroll
7-12 Science/HASS
Bradley Channon
7-12 Physical Education/ Outdoor Education
Kylie Cook
7-12 English
Teresa Crowe
7-12 The Arts
Meagan Elsworthy
R-4 Health and Wellbeing
Nick Harris
Permanent Relieving Teacher
Molly Hunter
7-12 Mathematics
Ryan Miegel
7-12 Design & Technology/Music
Leonie Peterson
Debbie Schwartz
Instrumental Music and Choir Teacher
Joanne Hewitson
Karyn Kingston
SSO Student Support
Andrea Kuhndt
Jodie Lodge
SSO Student Support
Kristian Peterston
Grounds / Maintenance
Pat Stone
SSO Student Support
Renee Teakle
SSO Student Support
Kylie Thompson
SSO Student Support
Roni Wayne
Community Librarian
Petrina Winen
SSO Student Support

School Facilities

Ardrossan Area School has some excellent facilities which staff and students can utilise to best meet the needs of the students. Some of these facilities include:

  • Oval
  • Music/Drama Room
  • Gymnasium
  • Tech Room
  • Trade Training Centre
  • Aquaponics
  • Community Library
  • Gym Jams (Tuesday mornings in the Gym)

Gym Jams

Tuesday mornings in the Gym

Gym Jams supports children to develop their physical skills, dispositions for learning and their sense of wellbeing. More specifically children have the opportunity to develop their….

  • Gross motor skills – running, jumping, hopping, climbing, balance.
  • Spatial awareness, being able to navigate themselves safely.
  • Ability to make choices and assess risk.
  • Ability to keep themselves and others safe.
  • Trust, confidence, persistence and resilience.
  • Perseverance and experience satisfaction of achievement.

Gym Jams also provides the opportunity for community engagement by exploring the local community and engagement in Services which support them in their learning and development.